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China Paper Association (CPA):
The main function of CPA is to establish the contact between paper enterprises and the government departments, and provide services including technical consultation service for paper enterprises; promote the connection with foreign associations, and establish international information network; conduct cooperation and communication of international technologies, economy, introducing technologies, import & export of equipment; organize members to attend domestic and abroad technology exhibitions; supply technology, economy and market information about the development of domestic and abroad paper industry.
China Technical Association of Paper Industry (CTAPI):
CTAPI is an academic organization for China's paper scientists and engineers. Its purpose is to promote the technical development of China's paper industry, improve the technical popularization and spread of paper industry, push forward the international academic communication and cooperation, accelerate the scientific and technological achievements to transform into production capability, promote the combination of science & technology and economy together, and make contribution to the modernization construction of China's paper industry.
China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CNPPRI):
CNPPRI is a national level research institution with advanced facilities and instruments involving in every areas of paper industry. At the same time, CNPPRI is also responsible for the technical service works of paper industry, such as formulation and revision of paper industry standards, supervision and inspection in product quality, and including information services. China Pulp & Paper and other 4 magazines edited and published have wide influence in domestic and abroad paper industry. Since its foundation in 1956, CNPPRI has accomplished more than 1300 research projects, in which more than 140 projects gained national awards. CNPPRI is the major force promoting the technical development of paper industry.